Faculty of education for Humanities discusses the fragmentation of residential units in t city of Baquba
The Faculty of education for Humanities at the University of Diyala discussed the master’s thesis tagged with (fragmentation of residential units in the city of Baquba) .
The study presented by student saja Khalil Ismail, and supervised by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Miteb Mohammed, aimed to identify this phenomenon to find out the extent of its impact on the aesthetics of residential neighborhoods, to find out the factors causing the phenomenon of residential retail, and to clarify the effects of the phenomenon of residential retail in the public services and infrastructure services sector.
The study came to several conclusions, the most significant was to change the job, housing to a number of residential units divided into other functions besides residential job as job shops where the form of the (16.9%), or educational, form (14.8%), or health of the form (5%) of the sample size, may impose upon the variation in many characteristics that fit the space or building materials used in the designs and forms, and has seen the study area in the shadow of the reluctance of the regulatory authority and its inability to reduce this phenomenon, which encouraged many of the property owners on retail housing units and the loss of gardens and a ( 60%) or the garage and (66%) of the sample size, and then overtaking on the sidewalks And including them for their residential units or personal use, which affected the external appearance of the city.
The study confirmed that the economic factor comes at the forefront of the factors affecting the emergence and spread of the phenomenon of fragmentation of residential units due to the low economic level of families and the high prices of land and real estate and rental allowances that exceed the average monthly income of the family,the social factor clearly affects,such as the marriage of one of the children with the desire of parents to keep their children close to them and formed a percentage of (٥,%%), inheritance and dividing it among the children and formed a percentage of (٥,%%), family problems that formed a percentage of (٥, ٧%), and most residential neighborhoods suffer from an acute shortage of good water for drinking, especially in summer, due to the high demand for water, the increase in network overruns and random non-technical connectivity The frequent subscriptions weaken the strength and flexibility of the pipe and then leads to its breakage, water leakage and waste, and then affects the interruption of water for four hours and more, and the study area suffered from the age of the networks and the presence of impurities and odors and delay in repairing the pipes of water networks .
The study recommended the need to issue special laws and controls for retail housing units, the most important laws and controls are the area of construction, the front and back bounce, the shape and model of buildings, the presence of front facades and not to encroach on sidewalks and issue strict laws against violators, and activate the role of associations and unions as was previously done by providing facilities for employees and earning citizens to obtain residential plots, at subsidized prices, providing facilities, loans and reducing the interest rate