Under the care of the Dean college of education for human sciences convened conference on extremism and extremism
Under the care of the Dean college of education for human sciences convened conference on extremism and extremism
Under the care of the Dean college of education for human sciences Professor Dr.Nassif J. al-Khafaji, division of continuing education convened conference on extremism and extremism
The conference, whose themes were discussed by assistant pro Hazbar Hassan Shalukh and assistant pro Sabah Karim and assistant pro Ashwaq Nassif Jassim, focused on extremism throughout history
The conference clared that the racist movements sought to distort the Islamic religion and religious affiliation, Where the country saw the emergence of racist movements especially in the year 2007 2014 It sought to distort the Islamic religion and racial affiliation through criminal practices alien to Iraqi society They were trying to tear apart society creating a state of rivalry to strike the community with the heart This was reflected on the scientific, cultural and religious side, as well as the economic aspect
The conference explained that one of the causes of extremism and ignorance is ignorance and follow the similarities and leave the tribunals and citation without his family
As the advisory must be issued by a person of thought and background scientific, cultural and religious specialists in religious law away from his personal work and certificate of specialization The conference warned going beyond the pale, where God has affirmed in many verses the limits of God and not exceeding them So the Prophet inhibition in many hadiths the limits of God and not exceeding them
The conference pointed out that exaggeration is a violation of borders, extremism and hardening, and the reform includes exaggeration in beliefs, worship, transactions, love, hatred and judgment on things and business, one reason for exaggeration is the lack of education where education is practical between the individual and the environment and arises through the participation of the individual in social life where the family, school and university are part of a larger social system and society, intolerance is a state of poor psychological condition and intellectual blunt resulting in behaviors that harm the environment and the fanatic
The conference recommended that women should be sensitized in dealing with extremism and extremism, where the mother is not only responsible for providing food security and life for her children but went beyond the need to provide intellectual and cultural security, Family alienation generates intellectual alienation, and thought is subject to external control governing the people of the whims and intellectual extremism and educating young people and engaging them in correcting wrong concepts and activate the good dialogue and accept the other opinion and the need to direct the media discourse and industry The efficient teacher