Under the motto ” water and jobs”
Under the motto " water and jobs" ,the college of education and human Sciences organize its 7th seminar in the occation of the word water day.
In the care of the president of Diyala university Professor Doctor Abbas Fadel Al-Dulami and in direction of Assist. Professor. Dr.Nessayif J. Mohammed AlKhafaji , the Dean of the college of education and human Sciences ,our college organized the 7th scientific seminar on the occation of the world water day under the motto " water and jobs ".
The ceremony began by reading verses of the Quran and aminute silence to read sura Al Fateha on the souls of Iraqi martyrs followed by playing the national anthem, after that the president of Diyala university, Professor Doctor Abbas Fadel Al-Dulami made aspeech to verify the importance of water in these times and the importance to take care of it and how to rationalize its' consumption and not to waste it,and he requested the importance of conducting researches and studies in order to find successful solution for water to last
Later on, the Dean of the college, Assist. Professor. Dr.Nessayif J. Mohammed AlKhafaji made a speech to welcome the attendance, verifying that the water resources in the Arab nation especially in Iraq needs attention from official authority considering the importance of water , its' necessity of life ,and the over consumption of water will lead to disasters result in the future and constant need for water in world wide, there has to be aneed to install rules and measures that work on increasing those resources and maintaining it, indicating that the happening changes in the universe in a result of water consumption ,so its' every one is responsible for it .
Then , Geography department chief Professor .D. Mohammad Yosif Hagem made a speech to verify that the water world day seminar held in our college has been listed with in UN activities table .and at the same level a group of children from Al- Ma'eda school presented an activity about the role of water in life, then a documentary movie about the world water day has exhibited world wid .