Master Thesis at the college of Education for Human Sciences discusses the effectiveness of an educational program to develop productive thinking among students in the preparatory stage.
Master Thesis at the college of Education for Human Sciences discusses the effectiveness of an educational program to develop productive thinking among students in the preparatory stage.
The college of Education for Human Sciences discussed the master thesis titled (effectiveness of an educational program to develop productive thinking among middle school students).
The thesis which was presented by the student ( Aya Jalal) aims to identify the effectiveness of an educational program to develop productive thinking among middle school students by proving the validity of several hypotheses.
The study reached several conclusions, the most prominent of which is that the ability of the educational program used in the present research to develop productive thinking among middle school students, and can develop the productive thinking through the availability of the appropriate classroom environment, and the correct method and method used with students and freedom of expression and mutual understanding and respect was Has a clear impact in enhancing the thinking skills of the students and the success of the program.
The study recommended the preparation of programs for educational staff to increase their awareness of productive thinking and training of female students on how to use them, and to ensure the level of female students through completion of quality, not by words and focus on developing understanding and thinking, not conservation and indoctrination, and attention to productive thinking and its inclusion in the curriculum, Children and even university studies, and studies aimed at revealing the most important problems experienced by students in their approaches.