Master Thesis at the colleges of Education for Human Sciences Discusses the mental trial and its relation to mental rotation among students of colleges of education
Master Thesis at the colleges of Education for Human Sciences Discusses the mental trial and its relation to mental rotation among students of colleges of education
The thesis which was presented by the student ( Ali Musa) aims to identify the level of mental trial among the students of the faculties of education, the level of mental rotation among the students of the faculties of education, the significance of differences in the mental trial variable according to gender and specialization variables, and the significance of differences in the mental rotation variable according to the variable Gender, specialization, and the direction and strength of the relationship between mental trial and mental rotation among students of faculties of education.
The study found several conclusions, the most important of which is that the research sample has a higher mental trial than the theoretical average of the society to which they belong, they have higher mental turnover than the average of the society to which they belong, and mental trial is influenced by sex (male – female) Scientific – human), it was found that the females have a higher level of mental turnover than males, either for specialization (scientific – human), students of scientific specialization are more in the level of mental rotation of students of human specialization, and the result of the relationship of mental trial with mental rotation strong positive relationship.
The study recommended that attention should be paid to the development of the mental trial and its inclusion in the school curricula because the mental trial comes as a result of training and experience, and so it should be done from kindergartens to higher levels of study, encourage interaction between the family and educational institutions by holding meetings, seminars and thinking programs to develop mental justice and make them an integral part of the culture of the home, school, university and society in order to promote students to a better educational ladder, prepare mental training programs for all age groups, At different levels of education in order to provide them with a greater understanding of mental and mental rehabilitation and their application .