College of Education for Human Sciences discusses the spatial contrast of internal migration in the governorate of Diyala
College of Education for Human Sciences discusses the spatial contrast of internal migration in the governorate of Diyala
Thesis to the student (Shorooq Abdl-Al Elah Hussein ) Discussed The subject of the phenomenon of internal migration in the governorate of Diyala as The main factor in contrast the spatial distribution for people as well as demographic, economic and social problems, the studying " Spatial contrast of internal migration in governorate of Diyala for the period (1987 – 2011) study geographical Population " aims highlight on the variation that Produced by this phenomenon during studying and measurement its' most of ways whether on the standard of the governorate or on the standard of townships that followed it .
The studying Included fourth cources . first cource Include the internal migration. Its' concept and its' historical development in governorate of Diyala. Second course include three Studyings, the first one include the concept of contemporize and the contemporized hugeness and factors of contemporized growth, second studying included contemporized hugeness in governorate of Diyala and three studying included
Three cource for research allocated the internal migration in governorate of Diyala, datas' sources , the way to measurement it and its' spatial contrast during (1987-2011 ) . fourth cource analyzed the concept of internal migration and its' motives , its' effects and its' relationship with currents of internal migration .
The most important results that the study reach it are existence of many styles for internal migration in governorate of Diyala, most important effect was style of internal migration from countryside to city, Historical origin for phenomenon of internal migration in governorate of Diyala became reflection on development of society reality during the historical stages. The study recommended Care Projects of irrigation and building of dams for saving store of water to confrontation the seasons of drought to decreasing its' effects ,addition to reclamation of the lands and interest of increase the investments in the agricultural , industrial and productional sections and the work to development it .