The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Diyala discussed a master’s thesis entitled “Selections of Abu Al-Baqa Al-Randi (d. 684 AH) in the Book Al-Wafi Fi Nadhm Al-Qawafi – A Technical Study.”
The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Diyala discussed a master’s thesis entitled “Selections of Abu Al-Baqa Al-Randi (d. 684 AH) in the Book Al-Wafi Fi Nadhm Al-Qawafi – A Technical Study.”
The study, presented by the student Marwa Ali Ahmed and supervised by Professor Dr. Luay Saihood Al-Tamimi, aimed to analyze the literary selections of Abu Al-Baqa Al-Randi in Al-Wafi Fi Nadhm Al-Qawafi. This book is considered a critical literary document that preserved much of Eastern and Andalusian poetry from loss. Al-Rundi based his selections on thematic content, reflecting the diverse poetic lexicon of the selected poets, which included themes of love, praise, elegy, and description, shaped by their respective environments and eras. The thesis was awarded a distinction.
Key Findings:
- Role of Heritage:
- Heritage served as a primary source for the poetic lexicon. Poets derived expressions and themes from religious heritage, such as the Quran, particularly in poems by caliphs and imams.
- The selected texts emphasized the harmony between rhetorical and grammatical values in their internal structures, including the frequent use of interrogation as a stylistic device.
- Poetic Imagery:
- The poetic imagery stemmed from two sources:
- Surrounding reality
- Creative imagination
- These images were enriched by rhetorical devices, including:
- Similes
- Metaphors
- Euphemisms
- Antithesis
- Poetic images often relied on sensory perceptions.
- The poetic imagery stemmed from two sources:
- Musical Composition:
- Al-Randi focused on external musical rhythms through meters and rhymes. His selections spanned all Khalilian meters except the mutadarak.
- He used 24 Arabic letters as rhyme letters, omitting four: alif, dhal, ghayn, and sad.
- Musical Aesthetic Features:
- Al-Randi utilized musical features like repetition, rhyme, alliteration, and echoing to enhance the musical harmony of the texts.
- These techniques enriched the selections with dynamic and lively tonal and semantic effects, adding to the texts’ vibrancy.
The study highlighted Al-Randi’s efforts in preserving high-quality poetic works that demonstrated a balance of aesthetic, rhetorical, and musical elements. His meticulous selection process ensured that his anthology stood as a testament to the richness and diversity of the Eastern and Andalusian poetic heritage.