Master Thesis at collegee of Education for Human Sciences Abu Shama al-Maqdisi (. 665) a study of his methodology and resources in chronicling the events of his time
Master Thesis at collegee of Education for Human Sciences Abu Shama al-Maqdisi (. 665) a study of his methodology and resources in chronicling the events of his time
at the college of Education for Human Sciences discuss master Thesis Abu Shama al-Maqdisi (d. 665 AH) discusses a study of his methodology and resources in chronicling the events of his time
The study which was presented by the student (Daleel Zaman Yadeem) aims to identify the personality of the historian Abu Shama Damascene (may God have mercy on him) as one of the men of science and knowledge and interests in all aspects of science in his time, our historian was a jurist, an innovator, a poet, a poet, and all of these sciences and arts left many traces. This is the eternal edifice of his life. The study reached several conclusions, the most prominent of which is that Abu Shama is a science of the history of the makers of history .its came true and correct as an eyewitness of the events, which provided us with many of his works in various sciences, arts, literature and news about the Arabs and others, it is an exciting and radiant opportunity that has given impetus to his career in directing to uncover the various aspects of contemporary life of our historian in the social, cultural, economic and cultural aspects of the time period he lived in Damascus and to explain his well-known fame and scientific potential. Except when the historian Abu Shama, Which was taken out of the original heritage of a prominent type in its clear form and benefit from it being an important part of our Arab scientific heritage. It also coincides with the outstanding and persistent effort of Abu Shama in his book Al Rawdatain and the theel, which is distinguished by his interest to keep up with the events of the two emirs,Noor Al Deen Mahmood Zanky In the leadership of the Noorya country and Salah Al-Deen Ayubi, who called the events of his victories, and the unification of the Islamic nation in the salahya country, and the return of political life to the Levant and the emergence of the admiration of the people of these two heroes, and as we read about the Crusader aggression against the Muslims and the loss of the city of Jerusalem from their hands.
The study showed that Abu Shama took care of the issues of the Arab Islamic nation, especially the events and wars that took place during the era of Al salahya and Noorya countries. He took a wise approach to highlight the role of scientists, kings and princes, and the incidents that occurred to them. And deaths according to the years and what happens in each year and its degrees, which began from the year of ninety and five hundred and until the death of his death in the year of sixty-five hundred and six hundred and was a beneficiary of information and the work of historians who preceded him and those who lived and documented suspiciously by the years, it was noted through the approach of Abu Shama that he does not depart from the line of historians who preceded him in terms of poetry, which was common in that period and the dedication was used by some poetic poems and he is mention the attribution that was sung to jihad and the victories achieved by Muslims in their jihad against the Crusaders.